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- Equinox Surabaya 2024
Equinox Surabaya 2024

On Friday 7 June, BCI Central was proud to host Equinox Surabaya!
Over 483 architectural, specification, design and construction professionals met at the Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers to connect with some of Indonesia’s leading product suppliers and manufacturers.
The event featured 22 exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge products and groundbreaking designs shaping the future of the architecture and construction industry:
- Anugerah Mitra Ananta PT (Mortindo)
- Tangkas Cipta Optimal (Taco)
- Wadja Inti Mulia Persada PT
- Kayu Asri Indonesia Pt (Kayu Asri)
- Kinlong Harwardware Indonesia
- CV Pionir Anugrah Kreasi
- Dekoramik Perdana (Sandimas)
- Charismatama Craftindo
- Bersama Bangun Persada
- Permata Modulindo Furintraco
- Additon Karya Sembada
- PT Prima Sukses Lockindo (Ses)
- PT Owens Sarana Asia
- Synnex Metrodata Indonesia (Autodesk)
- Royalboard Banguninti Granito
- Mega Niaga Sejahtera
- NS Bluescope Indonesia
- Toa Paint Indonesia
- Young Indonesia Pratama
- Ciptapapan
- PT Bernadi Utama
Our Tech Hub featured presentations from industry experts on a variety of topics, including industry trends, post-pandemic strategies, and ways to maximise existing spaces for environmentally conscious design. The sessions included:
- Kebebasan ruang – Dualisme Dalam Berarsitektur by Yohanes I. Limandjaya, ST from yo Design Architect
- Design-Underpressure by Ar. Aloysius Erwin, IAI from Principal of AER Design Studio
- Arsitektur Di Tengah Kampung by Ar. Andy Rahman, IAI from Principal of Andyrahman Architect
- The Trusted Granite Tile by Rizalia Harfina Putri, ST from Specifier Associate Granito
Thank you to all those who attended BCI Equinox Surabaya and to our exhibitors for helping make this such a success.
Untuk menjejaki acara BCI, lawati: https://www.bcicentral.com/all-events/
To view the gallery for this event, visit: https://gallery.bcicentral.com/bciequinoxsurabaya2024/