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Dự án We Report On

Trưởng dự án Dân dụng & Cơ sở hạ tầng

Tìm kiếm các dự án hạ tầng

Bridge, Tunnel, Landscaping, Bus/Rail Interchange, Power Station

Đầu mối dự án thương mại

Tìm kiếm các dự án thương mại

Hotel, Resort, Office, Park, Stadium, Gym, Shopping Centre, Petrol Station

Trưởng dự án công nghiệp

Tìm kiếm các dự án công nghiệp

Warehousing & Logistics, Manufacturing, Factory, Workshops, Agricultural

Dự án Khu dân cư dẫn đầu

Tìm kiếm các dự án dân cư

Apartment, Retirement Village, Real Estate, Urban Development

Mining, Oil & Gas Project Leads

Tìm kiếm các dự án khai khoáng

Khai thác, Dầu khí

Dịch vụ dẫn đầu dự án

Tìm kiếm các dự án dịch vụ

School, Universities, Childcare Centre, Hospital, Nursing Home, Police Station

Thi công Project Stages

Kế hoạch tổng quan

The Concept stage of construction involves defining the scope of the project, conducting feasibility studiesdeciding whether to proceed. For larger projects, this is when master planning takes place. Concept may also include rezoning, especially if the intended project’s use falls in a different category to the current land use restrictions, and appointing a designer through design tender. In mining projects, exploration and scoping studies occur, which involve applying for permits to conduct mineral explorations (sampling, mapping, surveying, drilling, etc.).

  • Design Tender / Competition
  • Design Contract Awarded / Competition Winner
  • Lập kế hoạch sớm
  • Phân vùng
  • Khai thác, thăm dò dầu khí
  • Nghiên cứu xác định phạm vi khai thác, dầu khí

Tài liệu thiết kế

During the Design and Documentation stage, the focus shifts to defining how the project integrates into the local area, which is crucial for obtaining design and building approval. This phase involves in-depth planning and drafting of architectural drawings, specifying both exterior and interior products, engaging consultants and engineers, and preparing comprehensive tender documentation.

For mining projects, assessing the mine’s feasibility and commercial viability, applying for environmental permits and mining licenses, and undertaking detailed engineering designs and documentation all fall in this stage.  

  • Plans in Progress
  • Development Application / Resource Consent Application
  • Development Approval / Resource Consent Granted
  • Construction Certificate Submitted / Building Consent Application
  • Construction Certificate Approved / Building Consent Granted
  • Appeal Lodged*
  • Tài liệu Đang được Tiến hành
  • Mining / Oil & Gas Pre-Feasibility Study
  • Mining / Oil & Gas Definitive Feasibility Study

Tiền xây dựng

Tiền xây dựng involves appointing a main contractor, sometimes via tender. Tendering is a competitive process điều đó involves inviting selected firms đến NSubmit a proposal or publishing an advertisement điều đó invites all contractors that meet certain licensing requirements or capability levels. The developer may opt to first invite firms đến NSubmit an expression of interest (EOI), before shortlisting preferred contractors and conducting a comprehensive evaluation based on factors like price, quality, experience, NSimeframe and the choice of subcontractors.

Alternatively, a main contractor may be directly appointed without the project going to tender 

  • Expressions of Interest Δ
  • Đã gọi thầu
  • Tender Called - Tenderers Listed
  • Tender Closed - Contract Not Yet Awarded
  • Tender Closed - Tenderers Listed
  • Contract Awarded / Builder Appointed

Thi công

During the Construction stage of a project, subcontractors are selected and building works commence. This phase involves boots on site, and managing construction budgets and timeframes, all leading to project completion and handover to the client.

  • Nhà thầu chính trên công trường
  • Công trình trang web đã bắt đầu
  • Khởi công xây dựng
  • Subcontractor Tender Called**
  • Subcontractor Tender Closed**
  • Subcontractor Tenderers Listed**
  • Subcontractor(s) Appointed**

*Not available for Asia projects. 
**Not available for ANZ or USA projects. 
Δ Substage not applicable in certain projects. 

Dự định Locations We Cover

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