Đầu tư xây dựng Singapore

A thriving city for construction in Southeast Asia, Singapore is one of the area's most populated city-states. Located on an island off the coast of Malaysia, this country is known for its beautiful architecture. With high demand for residential cơ sở hạ tầng, there has been Một push for housing construction across all neighbourhoods of Singapore.
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Ở Singapore

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Truy cập Thông tin Dự án Xây dựng Mới nhất của Singapore

Commercial office construction projects in Singapore have skyrocketed. To support the growing city, there has been a great undertaking of infrastructure in this region, including major alterations to various factory projects.  When looking for Singapore construction leads, BCI Central’s online database is the industry leader in Southeast Asia! 
  1. Phát triển dân cư ở Singapore

    There are few places better for recreation and residential construction than Singapore, especially the neighbourhood of Harbourfront where you can find the Keppel Club Redevelopment.  

    The top three main contractors involved in residential projects in Singapore, ranked by the total value of these projects, are: 

    1. China Construction (South Pacific) Development Co Pte Ltd 
    2. Pintary Foundations Pte Ltd 
    3. Woh Hup (Private) Limited 

    It is also worth keeping an eye out for the following residential and office building projects: 

    Axa Tower: Redevelopment (PID 28316006): This 67-storey, high-rise residential build will feature 223 units as well as nine hotel rooms. Valued at an estimated 800m SGD, this project is expected to commence construction in late 2023. 

    Canninghill Square & Piers (PID 25058006): Construction has commenced at River Valley Road on the Canninghill Piers, which will feature two residential apartment towers, valued at 673m SGD. 

    River Peaks I & River Peaks II (PID 22927006): The construction of six 47-storey residential blocks has commenced along Kelantan Road and Weld Road. These public housing apartments are valued at 467.80m SGD. 

  2. Phát triển công nghiệp ở Singapore

    It’s difficult to find a better location for industrial development than Singapore—one such example is the Agri-Food Production Hub in the Lim Chu Kang region (PID 32226006). This project includes plans to redevelop and transform the Lim Chu Kang area into a highly productive and resource-efficient agri-food zone. Currently at the Concept stage of its development, the Production Hub is valued at an estimated 105m SGD. It will help contribute to the Singapore Government’s aim to produce 30% of Singapore’s nutritional needs by 2030, under the ‘30 by 30’ target.  

    With hundreds of active industrial projects in Singapore alone, this area shows no signs of slowing down. You’re sure to find the information you need on our online construction database. 

  3. Phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng ở Singapore

    Infrastructure development in Singapore is massive and shows no signs of stopping. Just look to the neighbourhood of Jurong, where you can find the Jurong Region Linepart of their efficient city rail system.

    With hundreds of similar Singapore projects in our database alone, NSearch for NSonstruction NSompanies working on Projects in Singapore. 

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